Tuesday, December 30, 2014


End of the year is near, do you guys feel excited already? I'm soooooooooo excited to be the part of 2015 team. I have some agendas to do til next November. I got some competitions for myself, school activities, a gate away to do in the beginning of summer and so on.

Well, as you can see in here, I suggested you to list some goals. Now I'll tell you why you need these goals. There is only one reason: YOU'LL KNOW WHAT YOU DO NEXT YEAR.

As what I know, some people in the world live their life without any dream to reach, or in this case 'some goal to reach'.They just walk their life by doing their things and enjoying what surrounding them. Maybe you can't see the difference slightly, you need to come closer to see the difference. People who live their life with dreams, have such a big passion every time they facing their things, the things that took the attention. When they doing it, they know exactly what they have to do. 

January 1st 2015 is very close, but its not to late to list some. Look forward and be confident! If you have the list now, check it again and make it happen next year. 


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rehat sejenak untuk curahan hati

Ada kalanya hati lelah dan ingin beristirahat sejenak menikmati kehangatan dari secangkir cokelat hangat
ada kalanya raga ini membutuhkan tempat yang tepat untuk meletakkan semua beban untuk sejenak, dipelukkan yang tersayang misalnya :)
Pelangi tak selalu muncul dikala hujan berhenti turun, mungkin itu saatnya bagi manusia untuk lebih kuat dan tegar
Namun sayang, kenyataannya manusia harus berdiri lebih tegar dan tegak
Tidak ada waktu bagi hati menangis dan terpuruk lama
Harus berdiri tegar dan menghadapi semua dengan senyum dan kuat
Tak ada waktu bagi hati untuk berduka, karena sukacita selalu datang dan akan pergi bila duka tidak meninggalkan tempatnya
akan ada tempat yang tempat untuk meletakkan semua beban dan penat, lalu dibuang bersama-sama :)

Be steady, my heart! Steady :) You'll find a place to rest 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Begin Again

Egi kembali ke kontrakannya dan mulai membuka blue print yang diabaikannya sejak semalam. Pikirannya kini kembali jernih dan siap untuk melanjutkan proyeknya. Kali ini client Egi adalah seorang business man yang sedang mencoba usaha baru, yaitu apartemen. Perasaannya berkata bahwa malam ini dia bisa menyelesaikan sketch dengan baik dan kopi arabika kesukaannya sudah siap untuk menemani hingga selesai, ditemani dengan alunan musik jazz yang lembut untuk mengurangi rasa bingung dan stress saat sedang mengerjakan proyeknya.
Setelah bertahun-tahun berkelana dalam hati dan pikirannya, kali ini pada akhirnya dia bisa bekerja dengan tenang. Pikirannya selalu dipenuhi dengan tanya apabila satu saat (yang sudah terjadi siang tadi) dia akan bertemu dengan Tamara. Hatinya sudah tenang setelah menceritakan semuanya dan siap bekerja lembur malam ini. Sesekali dia menyisip kopinya dan tersenyum saat mengerjakan projeknya. Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa malam itu bahwa seharian dia sangat bersemangat dan bahagia. Hanya kebahagiaan saja yang meliputi dirinya.

7.05 PM
I'm at the payphone....
" Halo. "
" De...dengan Eg...Egi?? "
" Ya? Tamara? ", jawab Egi lembut sambil tersenyum. Egi bisa mendengar hembusan nafas Tamara yang tegang bercampur senang di seberang sana. Lagu jazz yang menggema di kamar Egi sejak berjam-jam lalu menjadi pemanis kecanggungan Tamara di telinga Egi. Tangan kirinya berpindah dari keyboard laptop ke photo frame yang berdiri tegak di sebelah layar, mengusap wajah manis berseragam SMA.
" Dari mana kamu tahu kalau ini aku? "
" Mana bisa aku melupakan suaramu? "
" Ahaha... Egi, sibukkah sekarang? "
" Lumayan, aku menyelesaikan proyekku sekarang ini. "
" Ohh, kalau begitu... "
" Ada apa memangnya? "
" Aku mau mengajakmu makan malam. Aku bosan makan dirumah. "
" Bagaimana kalau makan dirumahku? Aku bisa memasak semua makanan favoritmu! "
" Oya?? "
" Iya! Datang saja 1 jam lagi! "
" Oke! "

Sudah 5 tahun Egi tidak membuat makanan kesukaan Tamara. 2 tahun pertama kuliahnya, Egi sering memasak makanan kesukaan Tamara untuk menghilangkan rasa rindunya yang sering tidak terbendung. Tak jarang juga Egi meneteskan air mata saat memasak. Memorinya melayang ke masa SMA saat Egi sering sekali pergi ke rumah Tamara saat ayahnya pergi keluar negeri. Pembantu-pembantu Tamara tahu siapa Egi dan senang dengan keberadaan Egi bagi hidup Tamara. Semuanya berbeda saat Egi perlahan-lahan datang dengan segala kesederhanaannya. Tidak ada lagi Tamara yang manja dan kekanak-kanakan. Mama Tamara sudah meninggal saat Tamara SMP dan ayahnya sibuk di perusahaan untuk menghidupi anak semata wayangnya.

Egi menyimpan hasi kerjanya yang sudah mencapai 70% dan mulai bekerja di dapur. Semua bahan makanan kesukaan Tamara ada didalam lemari pendingin dan tangan Egi bekerja dengan lincah. Sambil ia meracik bumbu dan mencicipi, Egi teringat semua moment saat mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk memasak dirumah Tamara. Tangan kecil Tamara tidak terbiasa dengan alat masak dan bahan dasar makanan. Egi dibuat tertawa terpingkal olehnya setiap kali Tamara gagal.
50 menit kemudian semua makanan sudah siap diatas meja. Meja makan sudah ditata rapi dan yang pasti tidak ada bunga, Tamara tidak suka bau bunga tetapi suka memandanginya dari kejauhan. 10 menit dipakai Egi untuk mandi kilat dan mengganti kaosnya dengan kaos warna kesukaan Tamara, biru muda, semuda warna mata Egi yang didapatkan dari mendiang ibunya yang berkewarganegaraan Inggris.

tok.. tok...
Egi dengan tenang berjalan menuju pintu rumahnya dan membuka dengan tangan yang tak sabar ingin menggenggam erat tangan partner makan malamnya hari ini.
" Hai Egi. "
Lawan bicara Egi melemparkan senyum yang sudah bertahun-tahun didamba dan Egi membuka lebar pintunya mempersilakan mahluk cantik didepannya masuk menuju ruang makan.

...and all begin again from the start

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Invisible Enemy

Tanggal 4 Desember 2014 lalu, aku pergi ke The Park Solo Mall barengan sama temen-temen SMA dan kita nyobain satu game baru namanya Rumah Hantu. FYI, didalemnya ga cuma Rumah Hantu tapi juga ada Hantu Ambulan, dimana nantinya begitu naik bakal ada beberapa orang yang udah dandan jadi hantu bakal ngegangguin orang yang ada didalemnya.

Nahh, aku sama temen-temen main Hantu Ambulans. Didalem bisa muat 8 orang dan saat itu kami berempat main bareng 3 orang lain yang ga dikenal. Didalem mobil ada CCTV yang terhubung ke flat screen diluar arena, jadi pengunjung lain bisa liat apa yang terjadi didalem ambulans.
Begitu aku dan temen-temen masuk, langsung menempatkan diri di posisi AMAN, bukan nyaman, AMAN dari jangkauan hantu-hantu (didalem mobil ada 2 bolongan dimana hantu-hantu bisa ngukurin tangan).

Sound effect mobil nyala dan kami yang didalem mobil mulai excited. We wondering hantu apa yang bakal nongol di awalnya. Sebagai pembukaan dari sesi menakut-nakuti, para hantu yang diijinkan memakai tangan langsung menggedor-gedor dinding ambulans setelah mereka berhasil memasukkan tangan mereka melalui 2 kotak bolongan tadi. Kami mulai histeris dan mereka mulai menggandeng pacar masing-masing (cuma 2 pasang sih). Para hantu akhirnya mulai muncul; contoh genderuwo, pocong, mbak2 hobi ketawa itu, dan teman-temannya. Singkat cerita setelah capek teriak dan ketawa didalem ambulans, akhirnya keluar juga.

Frankly said, I'm not afraid that time because I know exactly who they are. Let's imagine those ghosts as something that we cannot see. We can't see them but we afraid of them at the first place, dan mereka menjadi the invisible enemy. Karena kita nggak bisa lihat mereka, akhirnya ketakutan kita jadi besar dan bahkan bisa makin besar jika kita nggak menyelesaikan secepat mungkin.

Be blessed who haven't see but believe! Yep! Percayalah bahwa dibalik the invisible enemy, there is a big victory yang bisa kita raih. Don't be afraid easily! Stand firm like a rock and believe on the reliable one! Stand firm, be ready to beat it down and be some one who more than a conqueror! You'll nailed it!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Making a list and checking it twice (or more)

December is here!! Woohooo!! Are you ready for Christmas?! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo not ready! -___- Yes! I'm not ready for Christmas. I got a bunch of work to do at school (did I mention that I'm a teacher now?) and stuck with it for weeks in December. But (phew), my work space isn't that strict and other teachers are very warm, so everything feels like I'm in a playground (even sometimes our principle will come and give us some tasks to do).

2014 is near with its end and how's your 2014? Great?
Too many storms?
Too many rocks?
Full with blessing?
Too many struggle?

Mine is full with all of those things that I mentioned but still, I'm grateful for everything. I forgot all my 2014 resolution but I think I've accomplished some.

2015 is near and maybe while you're wrapping your gifts, let's take a slow-mo on wrapping and start to think goals on 2015. Maybe you can start thinking about the major goal and start to write it down. From that point, you'll know what you want to do for the whole year.

What if I forgot with the goals?

Put a post-it and write down your major goal in a spot that you always see it. Maybe mirror, laptop or diary! And don't forget to ask some wise people around you. I'm sure that you'll need some important advises and reminders for it.

Is there any important thing before planning the goal?

Yes! Pray first! We were made with purposes, so pray first and you'll find! Your 2015 will be a blast one even though you'll face lots of struggles ahead. After you feel so sure with all thing that you wrote, pray again! Bring all plans and goals to his hands. The last, a short prayer at 1 January 2015 00.01 is the start line, so do a short prayer.


Monday, November 17, 2014

What I Love about November and December

Heiiiyooo.... This is just some random post since I got a lil bit hectic with the up coming test for my students and how I have no idea why-I-wrote-that-kind-of-story-like-2-last-posts-and-don't-know-how-to-end-it. >< Okay, I know! That's kinda long one.

November is near to its end and December is close! Yey!! Time to shop some Christmas Deco and make my space more beautiful! Since I stayed in Guangzhou for 4 years, I began to love November and December. I love the streets that full with lights and beautiful decoration, you can feel the Christmas spirit there. Well, even though you're not a Believer, you'll feel it too! You'll be happy because of those and always wanted to pick the perfect outfit before you go in case if you found a perfect spot to do a bunch of selfies.

November till December, even the next day (err... I meant January 1st) I was a busy bee for some church event and tests. Yes, we had our test near the Christmas and New Year, was a torture for me having tests near the holidays ><.

November is the time when you're surviving yourself from those torture or trying to adding some oil for your fire. You are going to realize that your time in that year (in this case, 2014) is nearly over. You gotta run and focus on your goal, cheering yourself and standing on your feet firmly. This month will fly so fast, like Santa's reindeer.

For me, December is the month of peaceful and true happiness and a brand new start of everything.

1. Christmas is about Christ's love for us. Even your parent's love can't compared for everything that He gave to us. Who's with me? :)

2. This is the moment about your family finally gathered again after those hectic and stressful activities.You miss the home meal that cooked by your mom or dad or whoever cooked it, the crowd and laugh in your house fill your mind and soul. Those are your natural charger before you go back to the.... errr... reality.

3. Before you realize it, you'll place yourself sitting on your favorite couch, holding a cup of coffee or hot coco and remembering what you've been through for the whole year. You're going to smile and laugh for those unwise steps you made, feeling proud for the goals you achieved, some trophies or others unexpected gifts for those good things that you've done; and maybe you'll drop some tears because you remember those hard times and found nothing or no one to pull you up, you'll remember those chances that you've missed.
After that, you'll make some new goals for the future and get up from a quick mourn. Put a simple smile on your lips and get up!

So those are why I love November and December. Yep! I know that I got more reasons about December, but I love November as well. Those 2 months are my favorite month after September *LOL*.

So, what's your favorite month? Share your favorite month down below and some favorite monthly essentials. Hot coco?

Hope you enjoy your up coming Thanks Giving and decorating your space with Christmas decoration! See you on the next post!!

image courtesy by Google

Friday, October 31, 2014

Maafkan Aku

Mereka berdua hanya terdiam memandangi cangkir masing-masing sambil ditemani senandung music jazz lembut. Tamara mengusap-usap gelang mutiaranya sambil menanti Egi mengeluarkan kata berikutnya selain namanya. Perasaan Tamara bercampur aduk antara senang dna marah. Egi yang duduk didepannya terlihat gugup dan berusaha keras membuka bibirnya untuk memulai pembicaran. Keringat dinginnya sudah mengucur sejak ia menunggu Bu GM turun dari singgasananya.

" Egi...", kata Tamara yang tak sabar menanti Egi bicara.
" Ya...?"
" Apa maksudmu kemari?! ", katanya tegas hingga berani menatap mata Egi.

Egi mengamati wanita didepannya yang sudah ditinggalkannya 7 tahun. Tamara kelihatan lebih dewasa dan tegas. Dandanannya sangat cocok dengan profesinya sekarang ini, lebih terlihat elegan dan profesional. Di saat gugup seperti ini pun, Tamara sanggup mengangkat wajahnya walau pun harus mengambil waktu lama untuk mengumpulkan keberaniannya.

Egi sibuk menyusun kata-kata dalam pikiran, Tamara sendiri duduk didepannya sambil menahan rindu dan marah yang sudah bercampur aduk didalam hatinya. Tamara ingin sekali menangis dan memeluk Egi, tapi logikanya berteriak lebih keras dari pada hatinya. Bagi Tamara, Egi sendiri tidak mempunyai perubahan besar. Hanya saja, Egi sudah tidak lagi mengenakan antingnya di telinga kiri, Selepasnya mereka dari bangku SMA, Egi meminta Tamara menemaninya pergi menindik telinga kirinya. Tamara sedikit keberatan saat itu, tapi pikirnya, anak remaja memang seharusnya mencoba sesuatu yang kelihatan sedikit nakal.

Tamara mulai membuat suara dentingan sendok di bibir cangkir untuk membangunkan Egi dari selam pikirnya yang kelewat dalam.
" Susahkah untukmu untuk menjawab pertanyaanku? "
" Bukan begitu, Ra. Aku hanya bingung dari mana seharusnya aku menjelaskan. "
" Kau punya waktu seharian untuk menjelaskan. Aku sudah menunda sebuah meeting penting hari ini. ", katanya dingin dan tegas.
Semenjak Tamara sudah 7 tahun tidak berkomunikasi dengan Egi, hatinya sudah mulai dikendalikan oleh logikanya yang menguat hari demi hari, menciptakan pribadinya yang dingin dan tegas.
" Aku sendiri pun memiliki waktu yang sedikit untuk menjelaskan semuanya. Aku terpaksa menemuimu diam-diam. "
" Diam-diam?? "
" Iya, ayahmu tidak akan senang melihatku datang kemari. ", katanya sambil menaruh tas kameranya ke kursi disebelahnya. Egi belajar arsitek saat kuliah karena itulah cita-cita Egi dan kamera adalah senjatanya.
" Ada apa dengan ayahku? "
" Sesampainya aku di Jakarta, ayahmu dengan cepat menemukanku di kost. Dia menawariku full beasiswa asal aku tidak lagi menemuimu dan menghubungimu. Sesaat itu juga aku menolak keinginannya. Tapi beliau memaksa dengan keras, maka aku terpaksa menerima tawarannya. Ancamannya cukup besar bagiku, katanya, beliau akan menyekolahkanmu di Auckland dan menjadikanmu warga negara disana. Seperti yang kamu tahu, aku tidak akan bisa meraihmu jika kamu meninggalkan Indonesia. "

Rasa marah yang sangat membara di hati Tamara, seketika itu juga luntur dan berubah menjadi sebuah belas kasihan. Tangannya otomatis meraih tangan Egi yang terlihat bergetar dan berusaha untuk menenangkannya. Egi yang sedari tadi hanya memandang Earl Grey Tea - nya, sekarang memandang Tamara yang tersenyum sambil meneteskan air mata kerinduan, air mata rindu yang sudah ditahannya selama 7 tahun.

" Maafkan aku Tamara.... "

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kau bukan kekasih gelapku

Aku mengasihimu lebih dari apa pun dan mereka semua tahu...
Aku mengasihimu hingga hatiku yang paling dalam
dan kau bukan kekasih gelapku....

Kira-kira seperti ini puisi yang 3 tahun lalu Egi tulis untukku. Saat itu aku hanya 17 tahun dan masih mengira bahwa dia akan menjadi yang terakhir. Ya, itulah impian semua perempuan, mencintai seseorang pertama kali dan berharap dialah yang menjadi yang terakhir pula.
Tapi sayangnya, sejak dia pindah ke Jakarta, semua berubah.

Egi pernah bilang, setibanya di Jakarta, dia akan tetap menjaga komunikasi kami stabil. Sayangnya, semua hanya bertahan dalam 1 bulan.Tapi di zaman yang maju seprti ini, Egi tidak punya alasan untuk mengelak, maka dia memilih untuk menghilang. Egi mengganti nomor HPnya dan tidak lagi berada di dunia maya, atau mingkin, aku sendiri yang tidak bisa menemukannya.

Tapi dulu Egi pernah berjanji padaku, setelah dia lulus nanti, dia akan lulus dengan penghargaan arsitek termuda Indonesia.


3 years later....

" Permisi, ibu GM."
" Ya?"
" Ada tamu yang menunggu di Coffee Bean lantai 1. "
" Terima kasih, tolong katakan padanya untuk menunggu sebentar lagi. "
" Baik, bu."

10 menit kemudian
" Hi, Tamara..."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


So here I am, back to my blog with random thoughts and ideas to write down,

My life is filled with mid tests thingy and me busy sitting in my comfy couch (read: comfort zone) with tons in mind. Lately I have some questions that sticking on my head (until this time):

1. Am I really got the guts and chance to join a singing competition?
Result: I'o'no! This one been stuck in my head for years (and I'm sure my friends been bored because of this). But, I got my priority here and the singing competition that I want to join is a big one. I'm not sure that I got the same level like others. My high school classmate joined Rising Star Indonesia couple weeks ago and entered the big 80. I saw him there (not literally) and I realized (again!) that I miss the feel when I singing (secular songs) on stage. Once I joined and I liked the atmosphere and the adrenaline. I want to go there, again, and repeat it for a million times. Just like I want to be with my students everyday. It's ok for me to be with them a whole day long, as long as I can make them happy.

2. Will I move to other place after this?
Result: NO! I have a 'business' in here. I won't go anywhere till I finished it!

3. Who is my mate?
Result: You can call him 'The Pianist' or just directly follow my twitter and you'll see his face on my DP! :)

4. Am I happy in this city?
Result: Yes! I love the city, I love the food etc :)

5. When will I get married? (this Q came from my tinggalnya-rada-jauh-friend)
Result: I'o'no! We had this random topic and then he came up with this random (and stupid) Q. I never get myself in a deep thought for this one. Even though I saw my friends get married on their young age, I'm still working on my passion. Hey! I just started it!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

When Lives...

There is something that people always forget about.

I'll make it easier for all of you.

1. We have oxygen for 24/7
2. Even we got some weakness, somehow we have the power to get up and find the exit
3. We can walk our day everyday
4. Somehow we forget the big tall walls that stand tall surrounding us and just walk through it
5. After we walk through the wall, we got into the next level

Those are the things that happen in our lives. We don't know how tall the wall is, we don't know how many the walls are; but this is the point: we can going through all of that because we have Jesus Christ in our lives. He's Greater and Bigger than anything, I mean ANYTHING! Be grateful! Or when you don't have much time to pray for a quite long time, just say an easy 'Thank you, Lord' from your heart and say it with your mouth :). God really appreciate that!

When life gives lemon, add some water-sugar-ice cubes... You'll find yourself refreshed! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Job = My (no longer) Abandoned Passion

Just like the title, my job is my abandoned passion. As long as I remember, aku sudah menghabiskan 9 tahun untuk mencari passion. My interests is art and literature; art means singing and drawing (but not that pro), literature means story and poetry. I've been in those worlds around 9 years before I found my truly passion.

Passion is something that make you happy and forget all your burden, but passion isn't an escape from your real word. For me, passion was made to bring happiness and lots of positive effects for people around the world. I believe that God made everything for good reasons. There is nothing in here that made without any reason.

When I found my passion, I was happy. Happy over load!! But before that, I don't want to be a teacher because being a teacher is too boring! I used to be a student, and lots of my teacher were kinda boring (even though their subject kinda interesting, but they made it looks boring). I really avoid this profession. I love children! I love to tell them stories and give them lots of moral message through stories (no one can resist good stories, right?).. But, education? ehh... Duh..!! I really don't want to be in this world!

But then, there was a time in 2013 when I finally found what I have to do. God gave me the way how to make it big and has a big influence. He gave me this job and this is my passion. I never get tired of this! Teaching them, hugging them, playing with them, sharing some stories and so on. I found that being with those kids, bring them more joy and happiness in the school is my passion. They gave me lots of love and spirit and love letters <3

How about those singing, writing and drawing things? Ahahaha... those are the tools that God gave to me to do my passion. Just like an army, they need weapon and some things to wear and war.

When you doing something with love and never get tired of it, you're doing your passion

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Most Powerful Prayer EVER!!

I just got home from church, and guess what....?? I'm so blessed !! >< got too excited.

Do somebody remember about Surabaya's Gang Dolly?? Yep, the famous 'path' that allocated to other places and there is no Gang Dolly anymore.
There are lots of story behind this 'allocation', but now I'll tell you one of them. So get your coffee and relax.


25 children who schooled near Gang Dolly felt worried about the school environment. At first, they couldn't accept that they had to study near the prostitution area. Once, they gathered and talked about this. Since they are the believers, they decided to made an action. Praying together as unity for Gang Dolly. And as we know, Gang Dolly moved to some other places.

So, what's the special thing in this story?

The special one is, they are CHILDREN and KNOW EXACTLY WHAT ARE THEY DOING!
Children's prayer is pure! This is the reason why children's prayer is the MOST POWERFUL PRAYER! Children's mind is all about study and love. So when they decided to pray as unity with pure motivation, God's heart was touched and God really did something. That's why in the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ said 'have a heart like a child', Because their heart is pure.

So, whoever you are who read this post and you got children around you, fill their mind and heart with:
1. The power of Prayer
2. Faith
3. and all positive things :p

And if you are adult: better late than never! Fill your heart and mind with:
1. God's words
2. Prayer
3. Faith
4. Positive thought

and the important one for adult: COMMITMENT!

P.S: share your story on comment down below if you have this kind of experience :)

Be blessed and Spread the Love :) <3

Friday, September 12, 2014

20 FACTS about me

 Tagged by Anna Anto Wijaya and Franky Kurniawan  :

1. My IG kinda weird so I do my 20 FACTS in here
2. I'm a Chinese language teacher, the youngest too
3. I'm the only daughter and last child in the family and love my family :3 <3
4. love candies especially yupi and chocolate milk tea
5. love singing, telling stories, watching movies
6. just entering 22 world..
7. majored in Chinese Language and Literature
8. love black and white painting
9. officially in love with my students :)
10. love black and white
11. in love with Jesus Christ. He pours me with love and blessings everyday
12. singing randomly whenever and wherever I am *LOL*
13. love bohemian and hipster look
14. love to add some bright colors on your days :)
15. staying in a town that full with effects for the world: SOLO
16. love spicy foods
18. stayed in Guangzhou for 4 years
19. was born in a small town named: SALATIGA
20. my motto: let no one let you down because you are young

tagging some people to do their 20 facts (may use blog or IG): 
The New Generation Member :)
Christoforus Vio

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Changing... again

My blog address changing, again! So mine is huangqiumei.blogspot.com !
Huang Qiumei is my Chinese name (in case if you wondering)
My work place's computer teacher asked every one of us about blog and apparently I have one!
This blog will be have something new for (maybe) every post that I published. Such as some Chinese Language material and some announcement for my students.

So, you may learn Chinese Language with me as well.

Welcome and Join my new blog's feature. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What's Missing....?

It's been 2 months I'm doing my job as a Chinese teacher in a public school. I can't lie that I really am happy in this school, but I can't lie to that my students making me angry day by day. But their cuteness just too overload (LOL). Every break time, they run to me and give me a big hug! At first just one student come to me, but then a bunch of students run and give a very big warm hug. This is what the 1st grade do to me everyday.
Yesterday I call for sick. I went to the doctor with my brother and the doctor gave me an ANTIVIRUS =='. And I thought "Hey Doc, why don't you just install av*** or sma*** in me?" LOL (joke)! After that I back to my dorm and took a rest for the rest of the day. And today the kids really are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than ever! After I moved my feet from 1st grade's class, a bunch of students came to me and passed me some origami papers which were had some words on it. When I read those, my heart melted and I just what I could say was: "Awww..... Thank you so much!! Come here! Let me give you hug!!"

Before I took this job, I spent 9 years searched my passion and my true calling. But then, mine is with kids! They showered me with hugs and cuteness everyday. The 3rd grade do the same too but with their own unique ways. I love them so much! They are the part of my life now. They shower me with their love, and I do the same for them.. So, what's missing? :)

3rd grader

some of 1st grader

the love letters

Stay Grateful!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Mungkin kalian pernah nonton video runway Victoria's Secret Angel di YouTube dan dibuat terpukau oleh lenggak lenggok dan senyuman mereka diatas catwalk. Kalau belum pernah, tontonlah disini.
Setelah nonton video tadi, mungkin kalian mempunyai pertanyaan seperti, "Ah! Mereka kan cantik, sexy, menawan! Masa' dibandingin sama aku?!"
Well, take a deep breath and let it out from your mouth slowly but sure. Being the Angel for this runway is never easy! Nggak segampang yang kalian bayangkan. 1 senjata mereka yang membuat para audience terpukau dan setiap produk yang mereka tawarkan laku: CONFIDENCE

So, how to be confident while I'm stuck in hideous, ugly and such a pathetic shape? (shape: isn't talking about size)
Saat kamu tidak bersyukur atas apa yang sudah kamu miliki sekarang ini, there is no confidence will show up. This is my first step when I start my day everyday, being grateful! Say grace and thank you to The Lord for the new day and new beginning, akan menambah tingkat kepercayaan-diri kamu.

I'm not being racist here. My pigment isn't the white one, but chocolate. My body isn't that fat and not that skinny or ideal either. Tapi, aku merasa aman dengan penampilanku yang seperti ini. rawat dirimu sebaik mungkin. You are awesome! Smile and be bright, your face will look brighter more than you can imagine. Remember! Feel safe!

Belajar dari orang lain boleh kok! I learnt a lot from YouTubers such as:
1. Meredith Foster
2. Michelle Phan
3. Jenn Im

Meredith Foster, Michelle Phan and Jenn Im adalah Fashion and MakeUp YouTube yang cukup terkenal dan sudah mempunyai nama di banyak negara. Yes, I know! they look faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab!! But they look fabulous in their own way! Meredith Foster dengan gayanya yang masih SMA, Michelle Phan dengan gaya khas the girl next door dan mencoba segalanya, Jenn Im dengan gayanya yang fun and trendy. See? They all different! They may know each others but they still sticking on themselves. Nggak ada yang meng-copy gaya satu sama lain! You may learn, but don't look around too much!

4. SEE THE MIRROR AND SAID: I'M WEARING CONFIDENCE! (and don't forget to put a big smile)
Jangan terpaku dengan merk baju atau style baju apa yang sedang kalian kenakan. But, you really have to check your confidence! Big smile, sparkling eyes and a grateful heart! That's how you wearing your confident!

Perhatikan kebiasaan anda! Biasakan tatap wajah saat berbicara dan melihat lawan bicara anda dengan sopan! berjalanlah tegak dan tersenyumlah! You'll look fabulous 1000000000 times!!

and here's some tip for Anna Akana!

Good luck and keep spreading the LOVE!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's Official!

Yey! I'm officially graduate from China and here I am, back to Indonesia and write again. You don't know how suffered I am waiting to be home and write again in my blog.


I am happy lately! I've start my profession as a Chinese Teacher in a private school at Solo. I never thought that I will be a teacher!! Get it?? Well, I'll make it clearer. Some people who really know me might be won't believe that I will be a teacher, because I can't teach but I can tell stories. But surprisingly, after being with those kids like 2 weeks and 3 days, I felt that I'm happier and can't wait to see them on the next day and the next and the next and the next!! You can see some of the photos on my instagram,

You'll never know what God had prepared for you from a very long time ago. This job came to me a year ago, long before I graduate. I wanted to take a job at Surabaya or Balikpapan. But, Lord gave me a work place, which is prepare some unexpected facilities. Believe me, never doubt on his plans! Just get yourself flowing on his plans and be happy!

-yeeeey, me graduate!-

pre-graduate photo shoot

-me and my bestie, Jimmy-

Saturday, February 22, 2014


For the people who doesn't believe in God, might be won't believe in fate. Because He is the one who wrote your story that called fate. My mom told me about free will and fate when I was in high school.
He wrote down our story before we were in our mom's tummy. He created us with His hands and (might be) told the angels to help Him wrote down our story.

Not every people in this world realize how beautiful their story is. They just busy being jealous with other people's story. They choose to be jealous with some other people's story without being grateful with their own story a.k.a fate.

Yes! Human has free will! But let's think twice before you choose to walk on the other path and falling down and mourning because of your choices. Every story has their own ending, so do yours! Your fate has its own ending. I believe that He has the most beautiful ending for you at the end of Fate Path.

Be careful when you make your choices, look at your fate closer and think twice. You can ask some seniors who already know how fate works. But the Senior you can ask is The Writer Himself! Ask Him for further information, so you can make the best choices to walk on your fate.

-Keep Spread the Love-

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

After The First Day of Internship (Warning: This is a very long post)

So, after the internship that I've done on Monday, I came home with lots of disappointment to myself.
I know that actually I can do more than what I did that day!! But because I was too 'proud' of myself with my almost-8-years-being-a-Sunday-School-teacher experience, the final result for today isn't that good. Well,
actually the score was great for an amateur. But still, the disappointment is haunting me all day long after I left the school.

And when I reached home, my mom came home after her day at bible school (yes! my mom is in college like me). She said to me that the way I dressed today was not fit in.
As a teacher, ponytail is the formal one, and I was pinned my hair at one side, just like what I did when I went to class as a student. After I get dressed and all makeup was set up, I felt very confident about my internship. But, the reality is very different than what I was expecting.

Second, my mom reminded me about the way I talk.
As a teacher, I should go slower on my speed. My character is the sanguine, or sometime people called it the 'class clown'. Sanguine is the one with the spirit for making the place a lil bit more crowded and happier. We have problem with our speed in talking. I realize this problem before today. I tried to talk slower, as slow as I could.

And when I was outside of the class, I should pay attention the clothes that I'm wearing and the accessories. Example: when I'm at Guangzhou, I'm a student. So I'm wearing what people wearing there as a student. Maybe jeans and tee or high-waist short featuring a blue superman tee and blue convers and a simple black back pack. But in here, people starting to notice me as a teacher even though I'm not officially and legally a teacher. So, I can't just wandering in the city wearing those student costume and say hi to my students like I am a student too.

So, people start to notice about what I do for a living in the future (that will be started at July). Sometimes I enjoy the spotlight, being the subject that people see and heard their 'wows' on my ears that sounds like a very beautiful song for my heart and a comfort for my soul. But when they noticing me as a teacher, my soul just jumped out and scream.... Maybe I look very calm outside, but believe me, I was screaming inside like a kid who lost his lollipop.


Keep spread the love, guys.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Hari ini adalah hari dimana my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE begin.

Jadi ceritanya, saya pulang ke Indonesia (tepatnya Salatiga) membawa sebuah misi, yaitu, MAGANG! and YES, I'm graduate SOON!!

Hari ini adalah hari pertama dan saya cukup grogi dengan segala persiapan hari ini karena saya harus mengganti materi saya dikarenakan media yang saya gunakan.

Berawal dari datang pukul 7 kurang...
" Sef, hari ini upacara bendera."
" What?! Oh no! sudah 3 tahun lebih nggak upacara bendera. "
" Aku juga udah lama nggak upacara, udah 4 tahun lebih dikit. "

Akhirnya saya langsung berdiri di barisan guru praktek. Karena seragam saya beda sendiri (kemeja bebas), saya dkira guru tetap (padahal juga magang).

Dan akhirnya magang dimulai. Hari ini ada 3 kelas yang saya ajar dan mereka semua unik. Uniknya, walau pun mereka 'aktif' tapi masih menaruh perhatian di pelajaran (salute!). Walau pun sebenarnya dari sisi seorang guru, banyak hal yang harus di perbaiki, but still, my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE-DAY 1 officially ACCOMPLISHED (?). Still need to perbaiki here and there. 

Good luck untuk semua intern yang tersebar dimana-mana! :)

keep spread the love, guys!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Dulu aku pernah ikut ekskul siaran di sekolah pas jaman SMA dan tiba-tiba di jaman kuliah ini ada pikiran untuk siaran lagi.
Well, yang pasti bukan pas kuliah karena klo siaran pas kuliah kudu pake mandarin.
Anw, akhirnya aku pake blog ini lagi karena memang hanya diizinkan untuk menggunakan blog ini di Indonesia saja (atau dimana pun asal bukan di C****).

Balik lagi ke judul, nama siaranku adalah STRANGER'S FM.

Kenapa STRANGER'S FM? karena aku adalah orang asing di sebuah negara yang awalnya asing buatku dan aku adalah pelajar asing. Jadi, lahirlah STRANGER'S FM.

Dimakah STRANGER'S FM disiarkan? disiarkan hanya di WHATSAPP dan tidak akan ditemukan di stasiun radio mana pun. sementara ini aku baru kirim recordnya ke temen-temen terdekat dan minta pendapat mereka. Dalam sehari aku bisa kirim record 2 kali sampai akhirnya semua jadi stabil dan matang. Kemungkinan kecil setelah aku lulus, aku mau ngelamar kerja jadi penyiar (moga2 diterima). jadi skill ini nggak akan menjadi lumut.

Mulai kapan STRANGER'S FM beredar? Well, STRANGER'S FM mulai beredar tanggal 14 atau 15 Januari kemarin. Baru bangun tidur, tiba-tiba kalimat pembuka untuk mengawali siaran popped out didalam otak. Source? Entah deh! Maybe ini dari Tuhan dan Dia punya suatu rencana dibalik ini (biasanya sih punya).

Siapa saja yang terlibat didalam STRANGER'S FM ? JESUS CHRIST, ME, NOKIA C3-00, WHATSAPP!

Keep asah-asah talentmu! even though orang menganggap itu hal kecil, tapi kalo mau diasah dan tekun, pasti bisa jadi besar! Serahkan semua yang jadi tujuanmu ditanganNya! Everything will succeed!!

Keep Spread the Love!