Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Mungkin kalian pernah nonton video runway Victoria's Secret Angel di YouTube dan dibuat terpukau oleh lenggak lenggok dan senyuman mereka diatas catwalk. Kalau belum pernah, tontonlah disini.
Setelah nonton video tadi, mungkin kalian mempunyai pertanyaan seperti, "Ah! Mereka kan cantik, sexy, menawan! Masa' dibandingin sama aku?!"
Well, take a deep breath and let it out from your mouth slowly but sure. Being the Angel for this runway is never easy! Nggak segampang yang kalian bayangkan. 1 senjata mereka yang membuat para audience terpukau dan setiap produk yang mereka tawarkan laku: CONFIDENCE

So, how to be confident while I'm stuck in hideous, ugly and such a pathetic shape? (shape: isn't talking about size)
Saat kamu tidak bersyukur atas apa yang sudah kamu miliki sekarang ini, there is no confidence will show up. This is my first step when I start my day everyday, being grateful! Say grace and thank you to The Lord for the new day and new beginning, akan menambah tingkat kepercayaan-diri kamu.

I'm not being racist here. My pigment isn't the white one, but chocolate. My body isn't that fat and not that skinny or ideal either. Tapi, aku merasa aman dengan penampilanku yang seperti ini. rawat dirimu sebaik mungkin. You are awesome! Smile and be bright, your face will look brighter more than you can imagine. Remember! Feel safe!

Belajar dari orang lain boleh kok! I learnt a lot from YouTubers such as:
1. Meredith Foster
2. Michelle Phan
3. Jenn Im

Meredith Foster, Michelle Phan and Jenn Im adalah Fashion and MakeUp YouTube yang cukup terkenal dan sudah mempunyai nama di banyak negara. Yes, I know! they look faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab!! But they look fabulous in their own way! Meredith Foster dengan gayanya yang masih SMA, Michelle Phan dengan gaya khas the girl next door dan mencoba segalanya, Jenn Im dengan gayanya yang fun and trendy. See? They all different! They may know each others but they still sticking on themselves. Nggak ada yang meng-copy gaya satu sama lain! You may learn, but don't look around too much!

4. SEE THE MIRROR AND SAID: I'M WEARING CONFIDENCE! (and don't forget to put a big smile)
Jangan terpaku dengan merk baju atau style baju apa yang sedang kalian kenakan. But, you really have to check your confidence! Big smile, sparkling eyes and a grateful heart! That's how you wearing your confident!

Perhatikan kebiasaan anda! Biasakan tatap wajah saat berbicara dan melihat lawan bicara anda dengan sopan! berjalanlah tegak dan tersenyumlah! You'll look fabulous 1000000000 times!!

and here's some tip for Anna Akana!

Good luck and keep spreading the LOVE!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's Official!

Yey! I'm officially graduate from China and here I am, back to Indonesia and write again. You don't know how suffered I am waiting to be home and write again in my blog.


I am happy lately! I've start my profession as a Chinese Teacher in a private school at Solo. I never thought that I will be a teacher!! Get it?? Well, I'll make it clearer. Some people who really know me might be won't believe that I will be a teacher, because I can't teach but I can tell stories. But surprisingly, after being with those kids like 2 weeks and 3 days, I felt that I'm happier and can't wait to see them on the next day and the next and the next and the next!! You can see some of the photos on my instagram,

You'll never know what God had prepared for you from a very long time ago. This job came to me a year ago, long before I graduate. I wanted to take a job at Surabaya or Balikpapan. But, Lord gave me a work place, which is prepare some unexpected facilities. Believe me, never doubt on his plans! Just get yourself flowing on his plans and be happy!

-yeeeey, me graduate!-

pre-graduate photo shoot

-me and my bestie, Jimmy-