Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Making a list and checking it twice (or more)

December is here!! Woohooo!! Are you ready for Christmas?! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo not ready! -___- Yes! I'm not ready for Christmas. I got a bunch of work to do at school (did I mention that I'm a teacher now?) and stuck with it for weeks in December. But (phew), my work space isn't that strict and other teachers are very warm, so everything feels like I'm in a playground (even sometimes our principle will come and give us some tasks to do).

2014 is near with its end and how's your 2014? Great?
Too many storms?
Too many rocks?
Full with blessing?
Too many struggle?

Mine is full with all of those things that I mentioned but still, I'm grateful for everything. I forgot all my 2014 resolution but I think I've accomplished some.

2015 is near and maybe while you're wrapping your gifts, let's take a slow-mo on wrapping and start to think goals on 2015. Maybe you can start thinking about the major goal and start to write it down. From that point, you'll know what you want to do for the whole year.

What if I forgot with the goals?

Put a post-it and write down your major goal in a spot that you always see it. Maybe mirror, laptop or diary! And don't forget to ask some wise people around you. I'm sure that you'll need some important advises and reminders for it.

Is there any important thing before planning the goal?

Yes! Pray first! We were made with purposes, so pray first and you'll find! Your 2015 will be a blast one even though you'll face lots of struggles ahead. After you feel so sure with all thing that you wrote, pray again! Bring all plans and goals to his hands. The last, a short prayer at 1 January 2015 00.01 is the start line, so do a short prayer.


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