Saturday, December 29, 2012


For the 4th times *hahahahahaha* Happy B'day Christoforus Vio :)
Today is his 20th b'day and He got so many surprises from his friends.
When I was there, I found him tied up >< and then... CAKE WAR!!

Hope you got your wishes, Vio :) Good luck at your new age..


Me :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Share some Love (even just for a dog)

Me and my friends found a grey-white Siberian Husky was dying because he hit by some people near my place. When some people saw the dog dying, my friends tried to take the dog to the hospital. The dog was injured so bad and doctor said that maybe he won't able to safe the dog. 

After we took the dog to the animal hospital, we knew that so many people wanted to help the dog badly and really care about the dog. Mean while, we heard some people talked behind us like, " Why you have to take the dog to the animal hospital? It's just a dog? We even eat the meat.. duh... lame "
Unfortunately, that thought doesn't work for us who care to this dog. 

The dog really is beautiful and dying in front of us, so how can we let the dog lying in front of us and hardly try to survive itself? We could see that the Husky hardly tried to breathe and I know that he even hard to move one leg. In this country, the people don't really take dog as something that they can love. I heard that most of people who has dog in their house, they'll eat the dog when they getting bigger. Oh my >< I was really pissed and wanted to tell everyone who have that thought that, " What is in your mind people?!?! They even more loyal than what you thought!!! They deserve love!! "
Well, remembering they even don't care about human so... ok.. maybe something bad really have to hit them first so they know why they have to care for each other even for a dog. 

How about you? Will you share some love... even for a dog?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Building 429 - Fearless

Building 429

No I don’t understand 
And I can’t comprehend 
This power that draws me to you 
But I know for the cross 
I’ll consider it all lost 
In an effort to tell of the truth 

That the world may know 
That the world may know 
You have been heaven sent to us 

I’ll be fearless for You 
I’ll be fearless for You 
Take me I’m Yours 
I’ll be fearless for You 

All the times that I’ve failed 
When my doubt has prevailed 
These are the moments I’m giving to you 
Cause I can’t be ashamed 
No I can’t fear the pain 
When it comes time to be living proof 

So the world may see 
That the captives are free 
‘Cause you have been heaven sent to us 


Unwilling to bend 
Unwilling to break 
And Headstrong I’ll stand 
No matter what it takes

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Last night I read my bible to prepare the story for today's Sunday School and something sneek into my heart. Something warm and gentle, made me smile and peace for a night. I was so busy thinking about my future and was blind because of my past. When I just arrived here 2 years ago, I thought I can hold my dream for 4 years but at the beginning of summer holiday I couldn't stop thinking about it. Well, it haunted me for years since I was in Junior High (maybe...). Couple days ago I searched a scholarship and pray, " If I didn't got any scholarship for it, I won't force myself to find it. I'll enjoy my carrier as High School teacher. " Until now I still didn't find any, but if I really have to drop it off, I'll do it.
Well, last night was the top of every 'galau' things. I bet that warm and gentle feeling were came out from the bible I read. I closed my eyes and I decided to pray for a while and sleep. 

That was really really a good night in my life. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Raid

Saya baru aja nonton The Raid, film action Indonesia yang paling keren setelah 9 Naga. Rasa-rasanya Indonesia jarang banget bikin film action. Kalau mau ditelusuri, penggemar film Indonesia pasti tahu tema film seperti apa yang merajalela di kancah perfilman Indonesia selama 11 tahun terakhir, horor sex. Tapi masih diwarnai dengan beberapa film edukasi + keluarga yang sangat menghibur dan bernilai. Contohnya, Laskar Pelangi, Tanah Air Beta, Garuda di Dadaku dll. Laskar Pelangi adalah film pertama yang saya ketahui, bisa merambah hingga ke tingkat Internasional. Telah beredar novel Laskar Pelangi di Amerika berjudulkan 'Rainbow Troops'.

Berikut sedikit yang bisa anda simak tentang The Raid:

komentar penonton tentang The Raid di Amerika:

Apa yang saya dapatkan dari film tersebut adalah, 'jangan seorang pun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda'. Ada bagian dimana sang kepala polisi sempat meremehkan 1 anak buah yang sedang terluka dan 1 polisi amatir. Pada akhirnya ketahuan bahwa kepala polisi yang ikut menggrebek TKP tersebut adalah komplotan dari pengusaha narkoba tersebut. Kepala polisi tersebut berharap setelah bisa menangkap buronannya tersebut akan bisa mendapatkan lencana dan penghargaan serta naik pangkat, tapi pada akhirnya ia menyerahkan diri dan buronannya tersebut ia tembak mati tepat di pelipis dahinya. Yang survive dari penggrebekan itu hanya 3 orang, kepala polisi yang akhirnya ditahan, Rama, dan polisi yang terluka.

Saya akui film ini sangat bagus untuk taraf Internasional, tapi apakah juga mempunyai rating yang pas untuk konsumen di Indonesia dan negara lainnya? Tontonan anak kecil di era ini makin luas dan entah apakah para orang tua memperhatikan rating dari setiap tontonan anak-anak. Adegan-adegan yang ada di film tersebut sangatlah keras dan cukup bisa mempengaruhi anak dalam masa pertumbuhan serta daya pikirnya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya efeknya jika mereka tidak didampingi oleh orang tua mereka. Beberapa seperti Kungu Fu Panda, Spy Kid, Narnia dll adalah film keluarga yang disertai adegan berbahaya. Saya hanya berharap bahwa para orang tua makin selektif dalam memilih tontonan untuk anak-anak. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


You should agree with me, repeat, SHOULD AGREE!!
I found this and I thought its cool :)
Well, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


When I was a little girl, the meaning of love was like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Waiting Prince Charming or Prince Philipe come to rescue me or give me the slipper. I'd like to sleep for my whole life and when I awake, I'll see my prince smiling and take me to his white horse.

When I was in junior high, everything changed. Love is when your heart beating fast when your eyes meet his eyes. You can't hide your blushing cheeks and the desire to know him more. At school, I talked about how handsome and charming he is. I'll say how I like the way he smile, laugh and waved his hand at me.

Well, I'm in High School now. High school is the place where everyone really saw you, the real you, they check on your daily outfit and tag you a score. This is when you started to check on your closet and throw those old clothes, pick some the cute and wear it for hang out. And then, you'll find out someone stare at you and your cheek gotta blush in 1 second. The next second is your imagination about your marriage, when you walk down the aisle and say that you'll stay in his side forever.

COLLEGE!! This is when I have to learn how to face the fact, reality, because the world isn't as beautiful as what in your brain when you're child. But, the awful thing is, your life time is on college, where you spend time in front of laptop and do assignments. Your male class mates all are grown up, they have mature thought to build a mature relationship with you. You started to have a serious relationship and arrange everything for future.

Wow! Time flies so fast, you married now! You've said the promise in front of people and that was the happiest day of your life. This is the beginning of your little family. The meaning of love had change, 100% change, its about how to keep your commitment, together till you both separated by the death. You'll find many problems between you and your mate. You live with someone who maybe has different way to live. Then you have kids, you both really need to work together and maybe in one spot, you can think about live separated or sleep on different bed.

White hair, small wrinkles, slow steps, no more hot Spain Guitar and wasted body. When you realize those, you'll find out that your step is closer with finish line. You'll spent every hours to be with your mate till one of you leave and wait for you up there. No shouting, anger, ego etc. What in your heart and brain is just how to spend every minutes with happiness and laugh.

Will you end like this couple?

Monday, June 18, 2012


Today is our sweatee day :p Actually, me and Oscar had a plan to study at IKEA's Caffe, but everything had change! We just grab some food there and Oscar bought a yellow curtain for her room space.

my Fruit Salad and coke *sigh*
behind my salad is Oscar's
Princess something and milk tea

Before I went out, my room mate asked me " Will you both really really study there? " and I said " Let's give a try. " and the result.... We learnt how to find a good spot to study LOL!

We've been walking around from IKEA -> Jusco -> Grand View -> T Mall. We walking around, looking for bag or purse or shoes but we found nothing. But truly said, that was fun! Walking around, took some clothes, stood in front of mirror and took it back and I get a picture with Snow White's step mother. She's stuck in her magic mirror.

see? LOL

End of the post, you really have to decide where will you go, if not you'll end with a story about I-don't-know-where-I-will-go. Adios!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Today is Father's day and truly saying I miss my dad :). I just sing with my friend, Grace, at church for all dad who attend today's Sunday Service. I never expected that I will cry while I'm singing. But when I saw everyone is crying, I imagined my dad stand before me and see me singing. Then, I hold my tears but I couldn't. Well, my father is in Indonesia and I can't meet him, but I can text him. Hope while you are there with your father, don't ever let him down. His happiness is when see your smile. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012


I'll show you the way
Just promise me... promise that you stay

That was part of IF YOU STAY's lyric by Joseph Vincent. I was talking with my new friend from Philippine and he told me a song titled If You stay. This song is so sweet, ask somebody to stay but after 'welcoming party' we have 'good bye-ing party'. I know how hard it is to say good bye, especially for someone precious and we love so much... family, friends, soul mate...
Hold your tears! Hope this song will cheer you up :)

I was standing on the other side
watching you leave and I,
couldn’t see you go
Know that I was so sincere
when I said I need you here
cause this is your home
You’re the one my everything
If you stay you’ll make me sing
I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart
and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay
When you’re with me I feel so alive
You’re the bonnie to my clyde
We can paint the town
But you’re so far (ohhh)
You’re so far (woah ohhh)
And that can’t even hold me down
You’re the one my everything
If you stay you’ll make me sing
I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart
and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay
And I know that our bond’s so true
You are to me as I am to you
And I know that we can sustain
even though we ain’t together
our love still remains
I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart
and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay


Yesterday my class had a party in our class while other class had their normal class. It was our lecturer who wanted us to have a party. Actually, it was our birthday party for our class mates who got their birthday from January till June. Guess what! We wore our class's shirt, my class mates 刘玲玲 (red: Liu Ling-Ling) designed it for us and that was the second time we wore it together.

That day is our last day in this semester, next station is our final exam. Technically, we have 2 weeks to prepare but some lecturer use that day to give their left-behind-lesson. If you look closer in our shirt, we use the signed of toilet and flags. We just realized that symbol is the sign of TOILET. The first time we wore that shirt, my teacher ask me where is the toilet and I pointed my shirt " Toilet is here ".
LOL!! Yesterday was so fun, we danced and sang but I hope our Class President won't upload it on Facebook or Youku (China's Yahoo) or Youtube, kind of embarrassing. 

End of the story, Have a fun weekend and God bless. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

YESAYA 58:1-12

"Waktunya berbukaaa!" Sekali denger 1 kalimat ini, pasti langsung lari menyerbu meja makan dan setelah itu menyantap dengan lahap. Sometime, kita lupa bagaimana berpuasa yang benar dan tujuan kita sebenarnya. 
Well, mari kita lihat seperti apa puasa yang benar dihadapan Allah :)

FIRST! Mari kita lihat tujuan yang sebenarnya
1. Membuka belenggu kelaliman -> means, kamu lepas dari semua kebiasaan negatif atau kebiasaan duniawi yang nggak menghasilkan apa2
2. Melepas tali kuk -> throw out every useless things from our life!
3. Memerdekakan yang teraniaya -> helping each other :)
4. Mematahkan setiap kuk
5. Not being selfish! (ayat 7 dst)

SECOND! Akibat dari puasa yang BENAR!
1. Terangmu merekah seperti fajar
2. Luka akan pulih
3. Kebenaran akan menjadi barisan depanmu dan kemuliaan menjadi barisan belakangmu 
4. Tuhan menjawab panggilan kita
5. Ia akan menuntun dan memuaskan hati kita seperti tanah kering yang diairi dari mata air (JANJI TUHAN)
6. Kekuatan akan dipulihkan
7. Membangun reruntuhan -> kita akan disebut sebagai "Yang memperbaiki tembok yang tembus" dan "Membetulkan jalan supaya tempat itu dihuni"

Udah tau bagaimana harus melakukannya??? Jangan lupa minta tuntunan dr Papi ya :)


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Satu kali ada anak cowok yang sedang memikirkan masa depannya, padahal dia masih sangat muda, yaitu berumur 10 tahun. Entah kenapa di umur yang sebegitu mudanya, dia sudah memikirkan masa depannya, sementara anak-anak seumurannya masih menikmati masa kecil mereka dengan bermain nintendo dan PSP. Ternyata hal ini dikarenakan pembicaraan orang tua dan kakaknya semalam.

Sebutlah nama kakaknya Amelia dan anak cowok ini namanya Dean. Amelia sudah menginjak tahun terakhir SMP dan sudah menjalani semua tes kelulusan. Setelah makan malam, seperti biasa Amelia kembali kekamar dan mencari sesuatu untuk dilakukan. Saat itu, papa mamanya memanggil Amelia untuk berbicara sebentar di ruang keluarga, Dean sedikit heran saat mendengar kakaknya dipanggil.

Merasa tidak bisa menahan rasa penasarannya, Dean menguping pembicaraan dari kamarnya. Sayup-sayup terdengar suara berat papanya yang disertai dengan suara televisi. Rasa penasarannya makin besar dan akhirnya Dean memutuskan untuk ikut dalam pembicaraan itu.

" Jadi kamu udah tau mau masuk SMA mana? "
" Belom, pa. Mel masih bingung... "
Mel memejamkan mata dan menunaikan harapan serta doanya dalam hati, hal ini adalah moment yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu sejak dia masuk kelas 3 SMP. Entah berapa malam dia tidur tak nyenyak karena ini.
" Kamu suka pelajaran apa? ", tanya mama sambil menaruh nampan berisi 2 piring pisang goreng.
" Mel suka bahasa, ma. "
" Bahasa? Kenapa bahasa? ", tanya papanya sambil mengerutkan dahi.
Mel sedikit takut saat akan menjelaskan. Latar belakang pendidikan papanya termasuk hebat! Masa SMA-nya dihabiskan dengan buku kumpulan soal matematika dan berkali-kali meraih penghargaan olimpiade matematika dan sekarang menjadi dosen terkemuka di sebuah universitas. Papanya suka mengeluh bila melihat angka 8 di raport anak-anaknya di kolom matematika.
" Soalnya bahasa itu nggak usah.... ngitung. Terus Mel memang suka bahasa dari dulu, kan papa tau Mel suka baca, nulis-nulis cerita... "
" Emang kenapa dengan berhitung? Kamu nggak suka matematika? "
" Nggak suka, pa. Mel punya kesukaan sendiri. "
" Mau jadi apa kamu kalo belajar bahasa? Pujangga? Penulis? "
" Mel mau jadi penulis! "
" Hah?! Mau makan apa kamu nanti??? berapa gaji penulis perbulannya??!?! "
Seluruh badan Mel gemetar dan air matanya menetes perlahan. Dia tahu reaksi papanya akan seperti ini, tidak akan pernah menyetujui dan memberi restu. Untuk anak seumuran Mel, hal ini cukup mengguncang dirinya. Mel hanya bisa berharap mempunyai keberanian yang cukup untuk bisa meraih cita-citanya itu. Tapi, orang tua adalah otoritas tertinggi di keluarga, maka mau tak mau Mel menuruti apa kata papanya. Dengan langkah gontai Mel mengambil langkah seribu versi siput. Dean yang berpura-pura menonton televisi langsung melirik perlahan kearah kakaknya yang berwajah muram lalu mengalihkan pandangan ke wajah papanya yang sedikit garang.

Dean menerawang jauh ke arah teman-temannya yang sedang asyik bermain sepak bola di lapangan dekat rumahnya. Mengingat kejadian semalam, Dean merasa harus merencanakan cita-citanya dan berusaha keras mendukung kakaknya. Entah keberanian dari mana, Dean ingin sekali kakaknya bisa meraih impiannya itu. Sebuah benda jatuh mengenai kepala kecilnya, ide yang entah datang dari mana mulai disusun rapi. Dengan semangat '45, Dean berlari menuju kamarnya dan membuka rak buku dan menarik 1 buku biru berisi iklan. Setelah diambilnya buku itu, Dean berkomat-kamit mengucapkan doa singkat.

Sedikit takut dan ragu, Dean melangkah menuju ruang tamu dan menghampiri orang tua dan Amelia. Amelia membalik-balik halaman dengan cepat, sangat terlihat bahwa hatinya masih gelisah.

" Kak, ajarin Dean dong! "
" Ajarin apa? "
" Ini ada puisi yang katanya bu guru bagus, tapi Dean ga ngerti isinya. "
" Mana kakak liat! "
Buku biru itu langsung ditarik dan dibaca perlahan, iklan warna-warni yang ada didalam buku tersebut menarik perhatian papanya yang sedang mengganti channel tv.
" Apa ini? "
" Ooo... Nggak tau, pa. Dean belom liat tadi. "
Papanya mengrenyitkan dahi dan melirik Amelia yang sedang terlihat konsentrasi. Terlihat sekali ada semangat didalam sorot matanya, sebuah kekaguman terhadap karya tulis yang biasa dibilang papanya adalah barang nggak berguna yang diciptakan sebagai barang buangan. Pelan dan pasti, Amelia menjelaskan isi dari puisi tersebut. Senyum manis yang biasa terlihat di saat-saat bahagia pun membuat hati papanya berdecak kagum. Suara yang berat nan halus pun terdengar...
" Mel, ini ada lomba menulis cerpen, temanya 'My Future'... Mau ikut? "
Amelia tersontak dan matanya terbelalak, rasanya tidak mungkin jika hal ini terjadi begitu cepat. Amelia menoleh kearah adiknya yang sedang tersenyum manis, dengan cepat pula Amelia memeluk adiknya dan berkata kepada papanya, " MEL IKUT! "

Sering kali dalam meraih cita-cita, ada orang-orang tertentu yang menentang cita-cita kita, apalagi jika orang itu adalah orang yang cukup berpengaruh dalam hidup kita. Well, kita cuma bisa diam dan menuruti sih biasanya... Tapi, jangan pernah putus asa saat menentukan cita-cita yang kamu rasa yakin!
He will make a way when there is no more way :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


G Cm G Cm
Bm/ Em/ Am D
G Bm
Savior of my soul
I confide in you
G” Cmaj7
Through all my darkest moment
Am7″ D7″
In you I find my peace
Bm7″ Em7″
My comfort when I’m weak
Am D
I trust in You, through storm and raging sea
G Bm
Faithful, You’re my God
Dm” G” Cmaj7
You’re the Glory and the Lifter of my head
Am7″ D7″
Your light it fills my days
Bm7″ Em7″
It leads me in Your ways
Am D
Forever I surrender all to You
G Bm7
And I live to worship You
Em7 Dm” G”
My Jesus You’re the only one for me
C” D/C”
Nothing will ever take Your place

Bm” Em”
My precious Savior
Am D
Who can stand between my Lord and me
G Bm7
Lord I live to honor You
Em7 Dm” G”
And I long to bring my life an offering
C”’ D/C’
Take me higher
Bm” E”
Draw me deeper
Am7″ D7″ G D
I give all to be with You

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

LOVE *1 Kota-5 Cinta*

Apa yang kita ingat dari kenangan-kenangan yang terekam oleh kita?
Nama tempat... Nama permainan... Nama teman...
atau kejadian adalah hal-hal yang mungkin lambat laun bisa terlupa
Tapi, tidak dengan rasa...
Rasa senang... rasa sedih yang akan terus kita bawa tanpa mudah tercecer di sepanjang perjalanan kita...
Dan semakin kita dewasa, kita akan makin menyadari bahwa diantara kenangan-kenangan tersebut ada 1 rasa yang paling besar, yaitu CINTA
Karena ketika satu persatu cerita dan menjadi kenangan, cinta terus bergerak seiring harapan yang menyertai dia....
Cinta yang tak terlihat oleh mata, tak teraba oleh tangan...
Tapi dia ada sejak kita bahkan belum bisa mengucapkannya...
Cinta yang sejati, cinta yang kita kira sudah pergi, ternyata cuma sembunyi, menunggu untuk kembali lagi...
Cinta yang ternyata tidak buta karena dia selamanya akan menuntunku, menuntun kamu, menuntun kita....

Moammar Emmka

Saturday, March 17, 2012

YEREMIA 29:1-14

Renunganku pagi ini diambil dari Yeremia 29:1-14. Singkatnya, Allah meminta kepada nabi Yeremia untuk membuang umatNya dari Yerusalem ke Babel. Kalau mau dipikir-pikir yah, mereka udah stay nyaman banget di Yerusalem dan suddenly, Allah mau mereka pindah dari tempat nyaman mereka which is well known as comfort zone.

Hal ini juga aku alami kok :). Before I get in here, aku pernah menentukan banyak hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia kuliahku. Here's the plans:
1. Get in to college
2. jump in to English major
3. have a happy everlasting relationship with someone-I-don't-want-to-say-his-name *I never regret it!*

Tapi... banyak yang berubah dan aku bersyukur banget dengan perubahan2 ini dan inilah yang aku dapet:
1. Get in to college, yang lebih terasa seperti SMA
2. jump in to Department of Overseas Chinese Education
3. have some unique relationships *its universal!*
4. etc.....

Well.... yea I know! Looks ordinary, tapi banyak hal unik yang terjadi selama aku disini. Once again, IT SUCH AN HONOUR TO BE HERE!!

If you still thinking about "Why I'm here??", you just have 2 choices...
1. Menyesal
2. Mengusahakan sebaik mungkin untuk melakukan yang terbaik.

When He wants you to be somewhere unknown and far far away from your COMFORT ZONE, I'm 100% sure.... He get something special for you to do :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


-Sefti Ayu Wardhani; Monnica Triany; Christoforus Vio-
need comment for these photos 

Friday, March 2, 2012


Singkat aja lah ya :p



that's it!


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'M 100% HAPPY

Kebahagiaan nggak pernah bisa diukur.
Tapi saat kebahagiaan itu datang, senyum terkembang-mata berbinar-jantung berdegup kencang
Kebahagiaan yg hari ini aku dapat, berasal dari bekal yang aku bawa dari rumah
Berharga dan tak bisa dinilai dengan cantiknya permata mau pun semua jenis batu permata lainnya

Aku bahagia hingga air mata ingin keluar dari persembunyiannya
hingga hati ini ingin meledak karena kebahagiaan yang ditampung
hingga senyum ini ga berhenti terkembang
hingga jari ini ga berhenti menulis kata2 indah...

Kebahagiaan ini lama tak kurasa
Its been a long time
Its warm, sweet, gentle, calm
and I love it!

Sunday, January 8, 2012



Ari Lasso-Badai Pasti Berlalu

Ok! Lagu ini sudah populer sejak jaman dahulu kala, sebelum aku dilahirkan. Lagu ini bisa menjadi penghiburan buat setiap hati yang sedang mengalami badai didalam hidup, atau bahkan badai yang ada disekitar mempengaruhi hidupmu dan mempunyai efek yang besar. 

Apa yang akhir2 ini sedang mengguncang hidup kamu?

Remember that what happen in your life, every problems that walk and goes by nggak pernah melebihi kekuatan kamu. Sometimes, kalian pasti bisa mengutuki sesuatu atau Tuhan atas setiap masalah yang ada dalam hidupmu. Yang akan terjadi selanjutnya? Every short cuts rela dijalani, dan kalau semua itu nggak berhasil.... suicide! Well, aku sendiri beranggapan bahwa suicide adalah cara seorang pengecut yang nggak pernah menyadari bahwa kekuatannya melebihi badai dalam hidupnya. 

Suicide nggak cuma berupa jasmani kok! Suicide bisa berupa menghancurkan karier sendiri, keluarga, kesehatan dll. Itu namanya suicide! Kenapa bisa suicide? Karena saat kalian menemukan DEAD END kalian memilih cara yang sebenarnya sedang mengarahkan diri sendiri kepada suicide!

Wanna find the way out?? You know with you have to ask for :)
Lakukan apa yang Ia suruh and you'll find the way out....

BADAI PASTI BERLALU kok.... Try it by yourself!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Bisa dibilang saya penggemar *belum masuk tahap berat* dari hampir semua wujud sayap malaikat yang di gambarkan dengan tangan dan kreatifitas manusia. Gambar-gambar dibawah ini adalah berbagai bentuk sayap yang saya temukan di search engine kemarin.

This one looks like an Archangel's 

ehmmm..... no comment for this

I use this one to be my PP in Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Yahoo Messenger and this blog :)

This one is perfect with every things at the centre :)

this one.... I was imagine the wings of angel would be like this

and many more!! hahahaha

Actually I don't know why I love angel's wings.. Maybe look elegant and beautiful :)