Monday, June 15, 2015

Sour Sweet Candy

Once, I ate the most sour candy that I ever taste. It woke me up in a sudden. My eyes opened widely and I saw things clearly. All happened in a sudden! Just like when you take your remote and the TV is on.

And it's been a month I ate sour candy that made my eyes opened wide. I saw what's surrounding me.

I'm not going to say that I was blind or ungrateful for things or persons that surrounding me since I got back from a long college journey. But I see things clearly than before. I've been spoiled by sweet candy.

I decided to taste sweet for the rest of my life, but I allow another flavor to wake me up. From what? From what the sweet gave to me! The sweet spoiled me, sang me lots of lullaby and hugged me for a long time.

The sour made me saw the faces of those people who are very patient to make me smile again.

Thanks to whoever invent the sour candy.
I appreciate your hard work, dude!

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