Yess... Hello everyone! Sorry for the long hiatus, my laptop is sick and still in the hospital for few days more.
And I got some things that I can share to you this time:
1. Back to radio
Maybe you remember my post titled "Strangers FM", and now I got the chance to go back to radio station!! I have passion in talking and I'm very talk-active, so I want to use my talk-active in a good way. So I joined El-Shaddai FM in October 2015. Jericho and Renatha, the senior announcers, taught me how to be a good announcer. Still an announcer until now tho!
You may download the app on app store. Find El-Shaddai FM! :) Joyce will be on air every Friday 4 PM- 6 PM!
2. Moving out
I have a plan to move out from Solo City to Malang. I had an experience as a translator on January and I enjoyed it. So, I'll go back to Malang and be an assistant + translator for a Korean Pastor. Well, I know he's a Korean but their church will have some Taiwanese come next year. I have lots to do there :) And maybe I'll visit Korea some day.
3. Story Book Project
I believe that all of us got that very smart illustrator around us, don't you think? I have one! He asked me to write a story book :)
Our story book is in progress now, I hope that this story book will help parents around us to educate their children.
Btw, the book is in tri-languages.
How about yours? Stay happy, people!