Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Most Powerful Prayer EVER!!

I just got home from church, and guess what....?? I'm so blessed !! >< got too excited.

Do somebody remember about Surabaya's Gang Dolly?? Yep, the famous 'path' that allocated to other places and there is no Gang Dolly anymore.
There are lots of story behind this 'allocation', but now I'll tell you one of them. So get your coffee and relax.


25 children who schooled near Gang Dolly felt worried about the school environment. At first, they couldn't accept that they had to study near the prostitution area. Once, they gathered and talked about this. Since they are the believers, they decided to made an action. Praying together as unity for Gang Dolly. And as we know, Gang Dolly moved to some other places.

So, what's the special thing in this story?

The special one is, they are CHILDREN and KNOW EXACTLY WHAT ARE THEY DOING!
Children's prayer is pure! This is the reason why children's prayer is the MOST POWERFUL PRAYER! Children's mind is all about study and love. So when they decided to pray as unity with pure motivation, God's heart was touched and God really did something. That's why in the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ said 'have a heart like a child', Because their heart is pure.

So, whoever you are who read this post and you got children around you, fill their mind and heart with:
1. The power of Prayer
2. Faith
3. and all positive things :p

And if you are adult: better late than never! Fill your heart and mind with:
1. God's words
2. Prayer
3. Faith
4. Positive thought

and the important one for adult: COMMITMENT!

P.S: share your story on comment down below if you have this kind of experience :)

Be blessed and Spread the Love :) <3

Friday, September 12, 2014

20 FACTS about me

 Tagged by Anna Anto Wijaya and Franky Kurniawan  :

1. My IG kinda weird so I do my 20 FACTS in here
2. I'm a Chinese language teacher, the youngest too
3. I'm the only daughter and last child in the family and love my family :3 <3
4. love candies especially yupi and chocolate milk tea
5. love singing, telling stories, watching movies
6. just entering 22 world..
7. majored in Chinese Language and Literature
8. love black and white painting
9. officially in love with my students :)
10. love black and white
11. in love with Jesus Christ. He pours me with love and blessings everyday
12. singing randomly whenever and wherever I am *LOL*
13. love bohemian and hipster look
14. love to add some bright colors on your days :)
15. staying in a town that full with effects for the world: SOLO
16. love spicy foods
18. stayed in Guangzhou for 4 years
19. was born in a small town named: SALATIGA
20. my motto: let no one let you down because you are young

tagging some people to do their 20 facts (may use blog or IG): 
The New Generation Member :)
Christoforus Vio

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Changing... again

My blog address changing, again! So mine is huangqiumei.blogspot.com !
Huang Qiumei is my Chinese name (in case if you wondering)
My work place's computer teacher asked every one of us about blog and apparently I have one!
This blog will be have something new for (maybe) every post that I published. Such as some Chinese Language material and some announcement for my students.

So, you may learn Chinese Language with me as well.

Welcome and Join my new blog's feature. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What's Missing....?

It's been 2 months I'm doing my job as a Chinese teacher in a public school. I can't lie that I really am happy in this school, but I can't lie to that my students making me angry day by day. But their cuteness just too overload (LOL). Every break time, they run to me and give me a big hug! At first just one student come to me, but then a bunch of students run and give a very big warm hug. This is what the 1st grade do to me everyday.
Yesterday I call for sick. I went to the doctor with my brother and the doctor gave me an ANTIVIRUS =='. And I thought "Hey Doc, why don't you just install av*** or sma*** in me?" LOL (joke)! After that I back to my dorm and took a rest for the rest of the day. And today the kids really are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than ever! After I moved my feet from 1st grade's class, a bunch of students came to me and passed me some origami papers which were had some words on it. When I read those, my heart melted and I just what I could say was: "Awww..... Thank you so much!! Come here! Let me give you hug!!"

Before I took this job, I spent 9 years searched my passion and my true calling. But then, mine is with kids! They showered me with hugs and cuteness everyday. The 3rd grade do the same too but with their own unique ways. I love them so much! They are the part of my life now. They shower me with their love, and I do the same for them.. So, what's missing? :)

3rd grader

some of 1st grader

the love letters

Stay Grateful!